Goal: Child-Led Weaning at 9-12 Months
- Children normally show less interest in bottle feedings between 9 and 12 months of age. They lose interest in the bottle if they are also taking cup and spoon feedings.
- Many children start weaning themselves by 12 months.
- After the age of 12 months, the parent often has to start the weaning. The child will usually be receptive.
- After 18 months of age, the child usually resists weaning. This is because they have become overly attached to the bottle.
- For easy weaning have a goal of finishing by 12 months.
- The AAP recommends complete weaning from the bottle by 15 months at the latest.
Prevention of Sleep Problems and Feeding Problems
The following 2 recommendations are made to prevent potential feeding associated problems:
- Do not bottle feed your baby to sleep.
It interferes with learning self-soothing behavior. It will cause persistent sleep problems. Exception: first 1 month of age.
- Avoid comfort feeds. Comfort feeds are using milk to calm a fussy child or one who seems unhappy, but not hungry. It will make later weaning more difficult.