Normal Feedings During the Night
- Understanding fasting is important for creating a good sleeper.
- Newborns can't sleep through the night because they can only fast for 2-3 hours. As babies become older, they can normally sleep longer without a feed.
- By 4 months of age, most bottle-fed babies can sleep 7 hours without a feeding.
- By 6 months, most breast-fed babies can sleep 7 hours without a feeding.
- Normal children of this age do not need calories during the night to stay healthy.
- They are able to sleep through the night unless they develop some bad sleep habits.
Normal Wake-ups During the Night
- Understanding normal wake-ups also is important for creating good sleepers.
- All children partially wake up at the end of each sleep cycle. It normally happens about every 90 minutes
- The good sleepers know how to self-soothe and put themselves back to sleep. Poor sleepers have not learned that skill. They cry for a parent to come help them return to sleep.
- Here are some tips to help your baby become a really good sleeper.