Why Newborns Need to be Watched Closely
- Newborns are at higher risk for infections. Infections can happen at any time during the first month. Watch your baby closely for signs of illness. This is especially key during the first 7 days of life.
- Newborns who get a blood infection (sepsis) can get very sick quickly.
- The signs of serious illness in newborns can be subtle. During the early weeks of life, illness can be serious.
- Feeding is the one reliable measure of a newborn’s well being. Newborns should be eating machines. If your baby isn't feeding well, call your baby's doctor. Also, call if your baby has an abrupt change in his feeding pattern. (Exception: never a good feeder, but takes enough milk and nothing has changed).
- Keeping a close eye on your baby is always the best plan. If feeding, movement and sleep is normal, your baby is likely just fine.
- If your baby looks or acts different and it's not normal, call now. Don't wait. Call your baby's doctor now for expert help.