- Most Lyme disease infections (80%) start with a bull's eye rash.
- The bull's eye rash looks like a a large red circle or target. Usually it's solid red. Central clearing is present in 30%. It is flat, not raised.
- The ring gets larger quickly. It becomes greater than 2 inches (5 cm). It can be as large as 12 inches (30 cm).
- It occurs at the site of the tick bite
- The bull's eye rash starts 7 to 14 days after the tick bite.
- The medical name for this rash is erythema migrans.
- The rash may be itchy. It is not painful.
- May also have fever, headache and muscle pains while rash is growing.
- A bacteria called Borrelia borgdurferi. It's found it the secretions of an infected deer tick
- The deer tick is about the size of a poppy seed (pinhead). They are hard to see.
- After feeding on blood, they become 3 times larger and are easier to see.
- The longer the tick is attached, the greater the risk for Lyme disease. Some experts say at least 36 hours.
- The main risk factor is being outdoors in an area with Lyme disease. Most cases occur in New England states, Minnesota, Wisconsin and California.
Prevention of Tick Bites
- When hiking in tick-prone areas, wear long clothing. Tuck the ends of pants into socks.
- Do tick checks at the end of each day. Early removal of ticks within 36 hours can prevent Lyme disease.
Tick Repellent for Clothing - Permethrin
- Permethrin products (such Duranon or Permanone Tick Spray) are very good tick repellents.
- An advantage over DEET is that permethrin is used on clothing. Put it on clothes, especially pants cuffs, socks and shoes. You can also put it on other outdoor items (mosquito screen, sleeping bags).
- Do not put Permethrin on skin. Reason: It loses its ability to work once in contact with skin.
Tick Repellent for Skin - DEET
- DEET is a good tick repellent. It can be used on the skin not covered by clothing.
- Use 30% DEET for children and teens (AAP). Note: 30% DEET protects for 6 hours.
- DEET is approved for use in children over 2 months of age. (AAP)