Exposure (Close Contact) Definition
- Household Close Contact.
Lives with a person with flu.
- Other Close Contact.
Touching distance within 6 feet (2 meters) of person with flu. Close contact includes kissing, hugging or sharing eating and drinking utensils. It also includes close conversations. Direct contact with secretions of a person with flu is also close contact. Includes being in the same child care center room or carpool. The CDC defines 6 feet as how far coughing can spread the flu virus. How long the close contact lasts is also important.
- Not Close Contact - In same building.
Walking by a person or sitting in a room briefly is not close contact. Being in the same school, church, workplace or building also is not close contact.
- Not Close Contact - In same town.
Living in a town where there are people with flu is not close contact. Living in the same state or country (such as Mexico) carries no added risk.