When Does Your Child Have a Fever?
- Rectal, Forehead or Ear temperature: 100.4 F ° (38.0° C) or higher
- Oral (Mouth) temperature: 100° F (37.8° C) or higher
- Under the arm (Armpit) temperature: 99° F (37.2° C) or higher
- Caution: Ear temperatures are not accurate before 6 months of age
Where to Take the Temperature
- Rectal temps are the most accurate. Forehead temps are the next most accurate. Oral and ear temps are also accurate if done properly. Temps done in the armpit are the least accurate. Armpit temps are useful for screening at any age.
- Age under 3 months old (90 days old).
An armpit temp is the safest and is good for screening. If the armpit temp is above 99° F (37.2° C), re-check it. Use a rectal reading. Reason: If young babies have a fever, they need to see a doctor now. New research shows that forehead temps may also be accurate under 3 months of age.
- Age 3 months to 4 years old.
Rectal or forehead temps are accurate. An ear thermometer can be used after 6 months old. An armpit temp is good for screening if it is taken right.
- Age 4 years and older.
Safe to take the temp orally (by mouth). Ear and forehead thermometers are also good.
- Digital (electronic) thermometers are widely available and inexpensive. They can be used for rectal, armpit and oral temps. Most of them give an accurate temp in 10 seconds or less. They have replaced glass thermometers which contained mercury (AAP).